

In one sense, a comparison between the aftermath of 9/11 and the Cubs' World Series Victory is inappropriate.  I, however, was in New York City shortly after 9/11.  The level  of intensity I felt from those those around me at Ground Zero is similar to the level of intensity that Chicagoans are experiencing from the World Series victory.  We see sports victory celebrations four or five times a year, but nothing I've ever seen rivals what is going on in Chicago.  This is a big deal.

I visited Wrigleyville today.  The streets are overflowing with people.  Parents are holding their babies up for selfies that capture both the kid and the Cubs' signature red marquee.  Merchandise is flying out of makeshift street vendor stores.  The Cubby Bear had a sign on the door, "Filled to Capacity."  It and the surrounding bars and restaurants are all filled to capacity.  Cars are driving up and down the street, with those inside gawking.

The nice fall weather certainly doesn't hurt, either.  We are talking shirtsleeves and sandals.  Undoubtedly those conditions are contributing to the large crowds.  I also suspect a strong desire to focus on something other than the sorry campaign season is also driving the crowds.  For two hours, I was able to avoid any thoughts of Trump or Clinton.



