Happy 4th of July
The Palestinian Community held a demonstration today that began at Jane Byrne Plaza—aka Water Tower Park in the 800 block of North Michigan Avenue. For the most part, the demonstration adhered to the well-honed formula that the community’s leadership has developed over the now nearly nine months since the October 7th attack by Hamas against Israeli.
For about an hour, people gathered around several leaders who gave voice to Palestinian concerns during often emotional speeches and who lead the assembly in chants. Very little new ground was covered, but the lengthy program provided sufficient time for the arrival of latecomers before the march stepped off.
At one point, one of the speakers claimed that a couple of thousand people were present. I turned to the photographer standing next to me, and said, “More like several hundred. That’s quite an exaggeration.” The other photographer laughed in agreement. But in fairness, by the time the event wrapped up two hours later, there were well over a thousand people walking south on Michigan Avenue to the Tribune Tower, and then making the return trip.
Back in October, the local television stations were out in force for the pro-Palestinian demonstrations. During recent months, the typical Palestinian demonstration attracts one or two camera crews, but the media largely ignores these demonstrations unless they know something newsworthy is likely to happen. For example, the camera crews were present during two recent Biden fundraisers that drew Palestinian protesters. Today, all the local news stations had cameras in position, presumably because it was July 4th. They didn’t bother to send on-air reporters, at least I didn’t see anyone speaking in front of the cameras.
Typically, the pro-Palestinian demonstrations have gone off without a hitch. Today, there were three noteworthy incidents. First, during the speeches, a lone woman approached the speakers, yelling something about Israel. On the one hand, I give her a lot of credit for her moxie. On the other hand, I oppose impeding people who are engaged in First Amendment activity. This woman might not agree with the Palestinian forces who were gathered in the park, but those people do have a right to voice their views.
The Palestinian leadership avoided any physical contact with her—they obviously know what they are doing. Instead, several people raised their arms as they stepped in front of the woman, thereby assuring that her act of defiance was not captured by the television cameras. Within seconds, several Chicago Police officers had moved her away from the assembly. I didn’t hear whether they threatened her with arrest, but she argued with the police as she occasionally stepped in the direction of the demonstrators. Eventually, the CPD officers managed to convince her to move along.
Second, as the demonstrators were marching northward, someone threw a can from what I assume was a condominium located in a highrise located in the 600 block of North Michigan. I didn’t see the actual toss, but I did see pieces of the shattered can lying in the street. I have no doubt that had the can hit someone, they would have sustained serious injury or been killed. I hope the police followed up with an investigation.
Third, when the marchers had returned to Jane Byrne Plaza, several men clad in black gathered around one demonstrator who then lit an American flag on fire. Given how quickly it burned, I suspect it had been doused with an accelerant.
I don’t know whether those dressed in black were ethnic Palestinians, but I don’t recall seeing any of them at prior demonstrations. My strong suspicion is that they are with one of the Leftist or Anarchist groups who have been planning counter-demonstrations during the Democratic National Convention next month. I took the incident as an ominous preview.
The Palestinian leadership is also planning counter-demonstrations during the convention. They have been encouraging other groups to join them, apparently believing that large counter-demonstrations are helpful to the Palestinian cause. I disagree, at least somewhat. Large numbers may be helpful, but people burning American flags or engaging in other highly provocative activity will only serve to alienate the mainstream audience that the Palestinians need to win over. There is no question that the Palestinians have legitimate concerns. Provocative acts, however, only serve to undercut their messaging. That will be particularly true if there are violent clashes with the police or large-scale destruction of property.
Despite today’s three anomalies, I did laugh. As usual, the demonstrators offered up chants directed at “Genocide Joe.” I just kept thinking, “You may not have Joe Biden to kick around much longer given the continuing uproar over his performance during the first presidential debate.
My laughter, however, does raise a serious question that I have been asking since the demonstrators first called out “Genocide Joe.” Do the demonstrators believe the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank will receive better treatment from a President Donald Trump—the President who recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and who gave the green light for settlement expansion in the West Bank?
A Final Note: As of late, the CTA has received widespread criticism over sporadic and unreliable service; overcrowding; and persistent violence (someone was shot and killed on a bus just two days ago). The problems are so widespread that one group is now posting stickers and flyers on bus stop shelters with depictions of CTA President Dorval R. Carter, Jr. and Mayor Brandon Johnson, together with the caption “He is why you are late,” or something to that effect.
To the CTAs credit, bus service on Michigan Avenue was restored within two minutes after the demonstration ended. I found myself running past the dispersing crowd to catch a 146 at Water Tower Place. Those managing the bus flow had pre-positioned buses on Chicago Avenue, permitting service to the north side to resume immediately.
[Click on an Image to Enlarge It. The Images Are Not Necessarily in Exact Chronological Order]
In Position
Clenched Fist; Two Open Mouths
Making Lengthy and Impassioned Remarks
The Kids Are Alright
Trying to Convince a Counter-Demonstrator to Go Elsewhere
Keeping the Beat
Seemingly Indignant
Waving the Palestinian Flag For Passing Traffic
Dragging the Israeli Flag
Looking On
Making Her Point
“Exist, Resist, Return”
Headed Toward the River
"Independence for Palestine Now!"
Displaying the Flag on the 4th of July
Making His Point
Returning to Jane Byrne Plaza
Starbucks Through Double Flags
Arriving Back At Jane Byrne Plaza
Up In Smoke On the Fourth Of July
Not Much Left of the Flag
All That Remains
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