Behind Bars. Yes, I went to the Joliet Correctional Facility, or what is left of it. Here are my thoughts, together with the images I made during the four hours I spent behind bars.
All in Urban Landscapes
Behind Bars. Yes, I went to the Joliet Correctional Facility, or what is left of it. Here are my thoughts, together with the images I made during the four hours I spent behind bars.
I am pleased to present my first virtual reality exhibit of selected works from my Kenosha, Wisconsin: Aftermath series. I have now made five trips to Kenosha, exploring and photographing the aftermath of the Jacob Blake shooting.
I returned to Kenosha today to witness President Trump’s visit to the city, and all that would result therefrom. Here are my images and commentary about my experience.
I visited Kenosha, Wisconsin today to see what the city felt like following the five days of demonstrations and street violence that erupted when police shot Jacob Blake while responding to a domestic violence call. I didn’t encounter demonstrators, but I did find lots of already trying to rebuild their community. Here are my thoughts, as well as the images I created.
For an additional image and Jack Siegel’s commentary, click on the image.
I am now out daily with camera in hand, sometimes on foot and sometimes by car. This past week saw me up at Fort Sheridan and the Fort Sheridan Nature Preserve, as well as at the Bahai Temple and the Home Alone house in Winnetka. I also made it downtown to Michigan Avenue, Oak Street, and North Avenue Beach. It has been hot, but as anyone can see, there is still a lot to see and experience.
Photobombed. Jack Siegel has been out with camera in hand virtually everyday for the last two weeks. Here are some of the images that he has made on his outings. Covid-19, Black Lives Matter, and Economic Decline continue to predominate.
I went for a walk this afternoon (3:15 PM to 7:50 PM) in Lincoln Park. Something was in the. air, but it was not visible to my eyes, so I tried to photograph it. Here are some of the images that I captured.
I headed to the ballpark yesterday for the Cub’s opener. Here are a few images with my thoughts. Covid-19 has left its indelible imprint on everything.
Covid-19 has limited where and when I can go, but I finally am going.
The Cytokine Storm Hanging Over Our Heads: Lincoln Park in the Age of Covid-19. Donald Trump didn't create Covid-19, but he foisted it on us by trying to protect his bid for re-election. We now see the world differently. The clouds hanging over Lincoln Park on the last Saturday in June 2020 capture what Trump has done to the U.S. Hopefully bluer skies are in the not too distant future.
Today Chicago was hit with another sloshy snowstorm during the afternoon and early evening commute. It look several hours for the slush to become white snow cover. The Loop was filled with commuters heading the the train stations. For my images and thoughts, click on the image below.
Chicago has seen very little snow this winter, so when it snows, it is time to enjoy the city. Chicago's Loop was surprisingly particularly picturesque Sunday afternoon. For my take on my afternoon outing, as well as images, click on the image above.
The Lake Michigan shoreline has been battered by record-high water levels and winter storms, resulting in Mayor Lori Lightroom requesting that Chicago's shoreline be declared a national disaster area. Here are my images and thoughts from a three-hour hike.
Here’s a quick one: Michigan Avenue during Friday night’s snowstorm. It came quick and hard, and ended just as quickly.
Even for Chicago, today’s snowstorm and cold temperatures were a bit much given that it is November 11th. Some people called moving companies, deciding to head south.
Yes, I was out for Chicagohenge today. Here is my take on this twice-a-year phenomenon, together with some some of my images.
While waiting for the next bus, I noticed that North Milwaukee Avenue was glowing as the late afternoon sun rays hit the weathered brick buildings. It was too tempting. If you are in Chicago, you might one to stop into one of the bars for a drink, or get some chicken and biscuits. If it is a weekday, watch out for the bikers. For more, click on the image. You’ll get my commentary and additional images.