Gary Bartz appeared at the Chicago’s Jazz Showcase over Labor Day weekend. He is an outstanding alto and soprano saxophone player, with a fluid sound. Here are Jack Siegel’s thoughts about the set, together with his images.
Gary Bartz appeared at the Chicago’s Jazz Showcase over Labor Day weekend. He is an outstanding alto and soprano saxophone player, with a fluid sound. Here are Jack Siegel’s thoughts about the set, together with his images.
Today, I ventured out with an infrared camera. My subject was the Chicago River from Michigan Avenue to Chinatown. The output includes high contrast monochrome images, with some color tossed in. These are classic tourist shots, but with a twist. Along the way, László Moholy-Nagy and Bertrand Goldberg make appearances. After watching a documentary on Moholy-Nagy, I had to bend things a bit.
Today, Jack B. Siegel made his second pilgrimage to the Great Lakes Dragaway in Union Grove, Wisconsin. The Chicago Wise Guys were the feature attraction, bringing colorful cars, crews, carts, tools, and trailers for a day of nitro racing. The roar of the engines were ever present, at times deafening. These guys know how to haul ass down the quarter-mile track, sometimes reaching speeds close to or exceeding 200 miles per hour.
Jazz is back in Chicago. It is great to hear and photograph live music in the clubs. I’ve been to Andy’s Jazz Club, the Jazz Showcase, and Winter’s Jazz Club, as well as to several street festivals, including Summer on State and the Wicker Park Street Festival. All the musicians are enthusiastic about performing before audiences again. And who wouldn’t be if it means getting out of the house?
I headed up to Great Lakes Dragaway in Union Grove, Wisconsin today to checkout the races and the surrounding scene.
On August 2 and 3, 2021, the CTA moved The Vautravers Building located at the corner of Clark and Newport 35 feet to the west so that the curve in the Red Line ‘L’ tracks could be straightened out. Wolf House and Building Movers engineered and handled the move using state-of-the-art equipment. The move was part of the $570 million Brown Line Flyover Project. Preparations for the move began in April 2021.
Pillows fell from the sky. White was everywhere, but only for 90 minutes. It stopped shortly before my root canal. Enjoy the images from my walk from Piccolo Sogno to the endocrinologist.
Dante’s Commedia (Interno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso) recounts his journey from Hell, to Purgatory, to Heaven (the Empyrean). I’ve updated it, recognizing that Dante’s work reflects the universal experience of the teenage years and high school.
Today was a probably one of the last reminders of summer that came to an end several weeks ago. I headed out for a walk along the lakefront to catch the mist that hung in the warm sunlit air. Here are my thoughts and several of the images from those magical three hours.
Behind Bars. Yes, I went to the Joliet Correctional Facility, or what is left of it. Here are my thoughts, together with the images I made during the four hours I spent behind bars.
I am pleased to present my first virtual reality exhibit of selected works from my Kenosha, Wisconsin: Aftermath series. I have now made five trips to Kenosha, exploring and photographing the aftermath of the Jacob Blake shooting.
I returned to Kenosha today to witness President Trump’s visit to the city, and all that would result therefrom. Here are my images and commentary about my experience.
I visited Kenosha, Wisconsin today to see what the city felt like following the five days of demonstrations and street violence that erupted when police shot Jacob Blake while responding to a domestic violence call. I didn’t encounter demonstrators, but I did find lots of already trying to rebuild their community. Here are my thoughts, as well as the images I created.
For an additional image and Jack Siegel’s commentary, click on the image.
I am now out daily with camera in hand, sometimes on foot and sometimes by car. This past week saw me up at Fort Sheridan and the Fort Sheridan Nature Preserve, as well as at the Bahai Temple and the Home Alone house in Winnetka. I also made it downtown to Michigan Avenue, Oak Street, and North Avenue Beach. It has been hot, but as anyone can see, there is still a lot to see and experience.
Photobombed. Jack Siegel has been out with camera in hand virtually everyday for the last two weeks. Here are some of the images that he has made on his outings. Covid-19, Black Lives Matter, and Economic Decline continue to predominate.
I went for a walk this afternoon (3:15 PM to 7:50 PM) in Lincoln Park. Something was in the. air, but it was not visible to my eyes, so I tried to photograph it. Here are some of the images that I captured.