All tagged Dom Luis I Bridge


Today, I was up at 5:30AM for sunrise--The Dom Luis I was my muse, just as the Williamsburg Bridge had been Sonny Rollins' muse 57 years earlier.  Sunrise is an an interesting occurrence, one which is often taken for granted.  First the sky is turquoise, which evolves into an often nondescript gray translucence.  It is the last stage, when the golden rays reflect off objects, that captures everyone's attention.  


After using the station's WC--immaculate--we headed to the Rua de Santa Catarina.  Our destination was Cafe Majestic, an Art Nouveau cafe that once was the haunt of the city's intellectuals, but now is overrun with tourists (including us), like Les Deux Magots in Paris.  

We were seated in the back of this richly appointed establishment, which provided us with a great view of the comings and goings.  We both opted for almond torte, which was excellent.  I also had a glass of 20-year old tawny port.  Yes!