All tagged Donald Trump

Inauguration 2025

I spent five days in Washington, D.C. covering the 2025 Trump Inauguration. I attended the People’s March on Saturday, tried to get into the Trump Victory Rally on Sunday, and attended a non-denominational service featuring the Reverend Al Sharpton on Monday—Trump had canceled the outdoor ceremony. Here are my thoughts from the weekend, together with my images.

It's Halloween

Once again, I was on 6th Avenue in New York City’s Greenwich Village for the annual Village Halloween Parade, where over one million spectators and participants joined me, everyone of us seeking a brief respite from the two-year lead-up to next Tuesday’s presidential election. Here are my thoughts about and observations from the festive evening.

Calumny of Apelles

[Click on the photograph to enlarge it and commentary about a painting for our times]

I couldn't resist a snapshot of Sandro Botticielli's The Calumny of Appelles in the Uffizi.  It is a painting for our time.  On the right side of the painting sits King Midas on his thrown.  He is painted with jackass ears.  Two women flank him.  One is Ignorance and the other is Suspicion.  Midas' outstretched hand points to Slander.

We had talked about traveling to Portugal for at least 15 years, often as possible winter destination.  Like everyone else, we always seemed to go elsewhere--Paris, London, Rome, Vienna, Prague, Istanbul, Madrid, and Moscow, among others.  I can't say that was a mistake--each  is a worthwhile destination--but so is Portugal.