All in The Age of Trump

Calumny of Apelles

[Click on the photograph to enlarge it and commentary about a painting for our times]

I couldn't resist a snapshot of Sandro Botticielli's The Calumny of Appelles in the Uffizi.  It is a painting for our time.  On the right side of the painting sits King Midas on his thrown.  He is painted with jackass ears.  Two women flank him.  One is Ignorance and the other is Suspicion.  Midas' outstretched hand points to Slander.


[Click on the photograph to enlarge it and for additional commentary and photographs]

With that as the backdrop, I arrived at U.A.W. Local 72 headquarters at 9:30AM today for the kickoff rally for steelworker Randy Bryce's congressional campaign to unseat Speaker of the House Paul Ryan.  Earlier this week in an interview with Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC, Bryce claimed that Ryan has been missing from his district for over 600 days.